Posted January. 28, 2002 09:29,
After the revelation of the senior presidential secretary of the economy Lee Ki-Ho`s involvement in the treasure hunt business, the Grand National Party (GNP) demanded President Kim to make an apology. The GNP insisted that President Kim must have received a report on the mobilization of the Navy for the treasure hunt project.
The New Millennium Democratic Party (NMDP) demanded proper measures taken against Lee if he had made a mistake and urged the GNP to stop spreading suspicions.
Rep. Lee Sang-Deuk, the Secretary General of the GNP, said, "President Kim should make an apology to the people for his aids` misconduct and dismiss senior secretary Lee. The President`s relatives and Cheong Wa Dae officials have been involved in various power-related corruptions. This means that the moral integrity of the present government is completely falling apart."
Jang Gwang-Keun, Vice Spokesman of the GNP, also asked President Kim to apologize. "While the Navy was examining a mobilization of manpower in response to the request of Lee Hyung-Taek, President Kim`s nephew-in-law, it must be reported to President Kim through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Minister."
The President of the GNP Lee Hoi-Chang said in a news briefing in New York that, "The people get angry because the corruption cases of those in power were disclosed later on after they had been concealed. Maintaining the public authorities` neutrality is the most important way to express a government`s strong will to cleanse corruption."
Lee Nak-Yeon, spokesperson of the NMDP said, "The party regrets the senior secretary of economy`s involvement in the treasure hunt business. The Independent Counsel Team (ICT) should investigate with strict fairness to reveal the truth. If the senior secretary is guilty of misconduct, the ICT must take proper measures."
Regarding to the GNP`s argument about the rumored report to President Kim, NMDP spokesperson Mr. Lee continued, "While the ICT is investigating the case, the GNP produces and spreads groundless suspicions. These actions involve political and legal liabilities, and the majority of the people will criticize the GNP. Thus, the GNP should stop these irresponsible, destructive, and dangerous games."