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Enron also Shredded Documents Secretly

Posted January. 23, 2002 11:55,   


Enron in America, which has been wrapped in a shroud of suspicion of `collusion between politics and economics`, was discovered to have shredded sensitive documents after mid-October when a federal investigation began. This fact, disclosed right after Enron`s auditor Arthur Andersen was disclosed to have shredded the documents related to Enron intentionally, caused a great sensation.

Former Enron executive Maureen Castaneda appeared in a program on ABC NEWS on the 21st and exposed the fact, saying, "Document-shredding was started in an accounting office on the 19th floor of the company`s Houston headquarters since the end of last November and continued until at least last week." She showed the box full of shredded documents as evidence.

The letters that prove the documents to be sensitive were printed, and Castaneda said. "There were lots of boxes full of shredded papers."

Enron issued a statement late this day and explained about the disclosure saying, "Enron sent out e-mails that directed employees not to shred any documents four times from the 25th of last October to the 4th of this January."

Sung-Kyu Kim kimsk@donga.com