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Major Companies Increase Employment This Year

Posted January. 23, 2002 11:55,   


More and more major companies are enlarging the scale of employment this year. Hence, the employment market is getting warm from the last year’s freeze.

According to an on-line recruit company Incruit (www.incruit.com ) on the 21st, total employment projections of 100 researched list companies, whose yearly sales volumes are over 50 billion won, is 22,936 persons, an increase of 41.6 percent.

According to the type of business, most employments are expected to be in distribution, Information Technology (IT), and education fields. Employment expectancy in distribution and delivery fields is 14,257 persons, which constitutes 62 percent of the total employment expectancy among the enterprises that answered to the research.

Prospects for employment in the IT field is encouraging. The research shows that the employment expectancy in the IT field is 1034 persons, rising by 55 percent from last year’s 667 persons, and that in electricity and electronics field is 1023 persons, rising by 36 percent.

1,747 persons are likely to be employed in the education field, mostly in preschool education and the study aids market, rising by 471 percent from last year.

On the other hand, manufacturers, pharmaceutical industries, petrochemistry, machine production, food and drinks, and food service industries will provide reduced or same scale employment plans.
