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“Hwang Jang-Yup`s Visit to the U.S. Is Not a Good Idea“

“Hwang Jang-Yup`s Visit to the U.S. Is Not a Good Idea“

Posted January. 17, 2002 10:18,   


The government reiterated its negative position on the former Secretary of the NK`s Labor Party, Hwang Jang Yup`s visit to the U.S.

An involved government official disclosed that "3 U.S. Representatives including Christopher Cox, chairperson of the Policy Committee of the Republicans, recently sent their second letter to U.S. State Secretary Colin Powell. Paul Kelley, the assistant deputy secretary of the congressional affairs of the U.S. Department of State, responded that he `will recommend that the Korean government allow Mr. Hwang`s visit to the U.S.` ."

The government official said, "The U.S. delivered the content of its response to the U.S. congresspersons. Our government still thinks that Mr. Hwang`s visit to the U.S. is not a good idea, considering various factors, including the fact that the U.S. did not officially invite Mr. Hwang."

He also added that "The U.S. Department of State also expressed its respect for Korea`s decision. Mr. Hwang`s visit to the U.S. is definitely dependent on the Korean government`s decision. In addition, Mr. Hwang himself said that `he did not make a final decision` at the hearing in the National Assembly."

Jong-Hoon Lee taylor55@donga.com