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Bush Orders Investigation on Enron- Scandal

Posted January. 12, 2002 11:26,   


One of the largest U.S. energy enterprises, Enron Corp., which filed for bankruptcy at the end of last month, is being questioned of its close relationship with the Bush administration. On January 10th, U.S. President George W. Bush instructed the Justice Department to investigate the case.

In his press interview on the same day, Mr. Bush said, "It`s true that (Enron`s) Chief Executive Kenneth L. Lay did support me during the election, but the administration will spend enough on the investigation in order to protect the Enron employees."

Bush uttered his words 2 days after the outbreak of the news that Vice President Dick Cheney had met with Lay and Enron representatives 6 times before the bankruptcy. He said that the he saw Lay for the last time last spring, that and he "never discussed Enron`s financial matters with Lay."

However, it was publicized on the same day that Enron requested emergency relief from Treasury Secretary Paul H. O`Neill and Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans just before filing for bankruptcy. Consequently, suspicions about the case are growing, which may involve the White House and the present administration.

White House press secretary Ari Fleischer revealed that "Lay made 2 calls to the two secretaries regarding the bankruptcy and asked for relief measures, but they refused to get involved."

Ki-Heung Han eligius@donga.com