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Bush, “There Will Be No Cease-Fire in War against Terrorism“

Bush, “There Will Be No Cease-Fire in War against Terrorism“

Posted December. 10, 2001 09:12,   


In a meeting that celebrated the surrender of Kandahar, President Bush said, "The war will continue until bin Laden and the al-Qaida network are broken down. This war cannot end either as a cease-fire or treaty, but will be completed as the victory of the U.S. and the allied." This is a flat turndown of the possibility of negotiation with bin Laden or with the Taliban.

U.S. B52 fighters bombed the nearby Mt. Melawa in the Torabora mountainous terrain, in which bin Laden is assumed to be hiding, along with the search operation. Prior to this, there was fierce fights between bin Laden`s terrorist network al-Qaida soldiers and the anti-Taliban forces in this area.

The U.S. Marine, which was dispatched in Kandahar, blocked the major roads in the mountainous terrain outer Kandahar by mobilizing helicopters and military cars, is searching for the al-Qaida members. Pakistan troops have intensified the reconnaissance flight through the armed helicopters in the borderline, along with the watch over those who enter Pakistan.

The U.S. has intensified the security in major facilities, such as White House, the Capitol, and the Pentagon, as a provision against the possibility of retaliatory terrorist attacks by the al-Qaida followers, while focusing on the search for bin Laden.

President Bush said in his address, "As we carry out the war against terrorism, the U.S. is also concerned about the challenges we will face in the mainland. The U.S. is currently on a full alert against the second terror."