Posted November. 27, 2001 09:04,
As a research company Advanced Cell Technology (ACT) claimed that it has cloned the first human embryo for the therapeutic purpose, it has drawn swift opposition from various countries including the U.S.
The ACT said on Sunday they cloned human embryo starting with a donated female egg cell. They removed its nucleus and replaced it with a cumulus cell, complete with its genetic DNA. "The purpose of this experiment is not to produce cloned humans, but to extract `stem cells` which will be used for the therapeutic purpose." said the ACT. Although the disputes over human cloning have continued, this is the first announcement that human embryo is cloned.
As the ACT`s test result was announced, the U.S. political circle is moving to urge for the quick passing of the legislation that bans the human cloning, which is currently presented to the Congress, saying that "we oppose any form of human cloning."
The Vatican also showed a concern, and religious circles of the various countries lamented saying that "it is to violate the divine realm."
Professor of Veterinary Hwang Woo-Suk at Seoul National University said, "Cloning of human embryo is technically possible in the domestic. The ACT`s announcement is not a new result in the science circle. In the next stage of research, it may be possible to develop the cloned embryo to a fetus in a surrogate mother`s womb and to extract stem cells from it."