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Foreign Ministry Ignored Notice from China about `Koreans Arrested`

Foreign Ministry Ignored Notice from China about `Koreans Arrested`

Posted November. 22, 2001 09:21,   


A special team of the Grand National Party investigating the `shameful diplomacy` submitted a report to the party after a week on-spot investigation in China. According to the report, "on receiving the notice that the Chinese Public Security Service in Heilungjiang Province arrested Mr. Park (71), an accomplice of Mr. Shin, in Oct. 1997, a responsible consul reported it to the Police and the Foreign Minister, without consequent measure."

The investigation team also said that the China`s Public Security requested for a police clearance for the criminal history of 4 Koreans including Mr. Shin but Taegu Prosecutors Office did not respond to it.

The team that interviewed Mr. Chung (68) and Mr. Park asserted that "the two Korean citizens had been tortured in the process of investigation. They were not provided with water and food for 22 hours. They also had been beaten and their facial hair were plucked out by the police."

Jong-Hoon Lee taylor55@donga.com