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"Surrender In 3 Days," Final Note of Northern Alliance

Posted November. 21, 2001 09:10,   


Northern Alliance that surrounded the Taliban base in North Afghan, Konduz, announced yesterday that they would give three days for the Taliban to surrender to escape a bloody clash.

Spokesperson of the Northern Alliance held a press conference in Mazar-e Sharif to release the announcement, asserting "over 3000 Mujahadeen who are royal to Osama bin Laden are blocking the Taliban from surrendering."

However, U.S. Defense Minister Donald Rumsfeld announced that the U.S. will not compromise with the Taliban until the Taliban leader Muhamad Omar and Al Qaeda are totally destroyed.

Defense Minister Rumsfeld said, "the U.S. does not want to negotiate for the Taliban`s surrender and is not ready to accept the POWs. The U.S. special forces in Afghanistan blocked all the roads to isolate the escaping Taliban troops and to disconnect the supply routes. And the U.S. air force is carrying out pinpoint bombings."

Yun-Chul Park yc97@donga.com