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British Newspaper Reported,

Posted November. 20, 2001 08:56,   


British newspaper the Times reported yesterday that Osama bin Laden, who was betrayed by the Taliban, are now on the run with his family and close staffs.

The newspaper declared that "bin Laden is not under the protection any longer and has ran out of the places where he can find assistance. Bin Laden is running from bunker to bunker by jeeps with his three wives, children, his guard and staffs."

The newspaper anticipated that the most possible candidate of his refuge is likely to be a Gulf area where his Al Qaeda is based, especially Yemen, which is more probable since his wife`s family are living there.

The U.S. military is destructing, with guided Maverick Missiles and bunker destruction bombs, every single place that is likely to be used for refuge by bin Laden. And 800 Delta Force troops equipped with night goggles and flame grenades are chasing after bin Laden on the ground.

Meanwhile, Taliban Commander Pazil who is fighting against the Northern Alliance in Konduz, North-East of Afghan, expressed his intention to surrender with the condition that UN assures the security of the Taliban soldiers. Therefore, the Northern Alliance will occupy most of the Afghanistan territory except for a small part in the South.

In Qantahar, the Taliban and the North Alliance are exchanging advances and retreats while tribe leaders are discussing the measures to transfer power.

Gee-Hong Lee sechepa@donga.com