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G20 Financial Ministers Agreed To Block `Terrorist Fund`

G20 Financial Ministers Agreed To Block `Terrorist Fund`

Posted November. 19, 2001 13:35,   


G20 Financial Ministers composed of G7, EU, and developing countries, decided to block terrorist fund and properties related with the terrorist activities.

G20 Ministers adopted such resolution before the meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Ottawa, Canada, on Nov. 16, 17, and intensively discussed the measures to stabilize the world economy including the debt exemption of the debt of the poorest countries.

Canadian Financial Minister Paul Martin, chairperson of the meeting, revealed that "they discussed about the necessary reconstruction fund after the end of the Afghanistan war."

G20 financial Minister meeting is followed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund meetings on 18th. Meanwhile, in the downtown of Ottawa, 2000 protesters rallied for the anti-globalization and 14 among them who broke the windows of McDonald shops were arrested by the police.