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``Wake Turbulence!….Thrust the Maximum Power, We Lost the Control``

``Wake Turbulence!….Thrust the Maximum Power, We Lost the Control``

Posted November. 15, 2001 09:21,   


The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) announced that the cockpit voice recorder of American Airlines Flight 587 picked up the sounds of the jet`s frame rattling shortly before the pilots lost control of the plane.

George W. Black Jr., a member of the NTSB, said, ``the cockpit voice recorder operated for 144 seconds after takeoff, and it contained the sound of the plane rattling loudly twice before the pilots lost control. But investigators does not yet know what caused the `airframe rattling noise`. ``

Mr. Black added, ``(According to the cockpit voice recorder) the pilot said about the air turbulence generated by the plane tail fin, and the co-pilot called for the engines to be run at maximum power. And there were `several comments suggesting loss of control`. ``

And he said, ``pilots of JAL airplane, which took off just before the American Airlines Flight-587, also said that they encountered the turbulence. The air turbulence, which is usually generated by the tail fin of the plane, has been regarded as one of causes of the airplane crash thus far.``

The cockpit voice recorder was recovered the day of the plane crashed, and the second black box, plane`s flight data recorder, was found on Tuesday. The investigators are expecting the flight data recorder to reveal the cause of crash of the Airbus A300-600.

Mr. Black Jr. said that the first investigation could find no sign of engine damages by the external material, denying the report that a bird was sucked into the engines. And he added that there was no evidence of internal engine damages yet.