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The Inter-Korea Ministerial Meeting Stalls

Posted November. 12, 2001 09:15,   


South and North Koreas had troubled to reach an agreement because of the different positions on the issue of the `emergency alert` until the late night on 11th, the third day of the 6th Ministerial Meeting.

The two Koreas had a chief delegates meeting on 10th and a working level meeting on 11th to discuss the schedule for performing the 5th Ministerial Meeting`s agreement. But North Korea demanded the lifting of Sough Korea`s emergency alert as the prior condition of the meeting.

South Korea proposed to hold the exchange of the fourth inter-Korea family reunion during this month, to have the fourth Red Cross meeting immediately, and to hold the seventh Ministerial Meeting in Seoul in December. But North Korea rejected the proposals.

A South Korean official said, ``The Meeting has stalled because of North Korea`s repeated request for lifting the emergency alert. However, if the two Koreas reaches an agreement on the issue through a working level meeting, South and North can hold a general meeting in order to compose common agreement.`` South Korean delegation does not exclude the possibility of dramatic agreement.

Departing Jangjeon Harbor at 9:00 A.M. on 12th by the `Sulbong Ho` a tourist ship to Kumgang Mt., South Koresn delegation is scheduled to return to Seoul.
