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China to Be Officially Admitted to the WTO

Posted November. 08, 2001 10:29,   


China will officially enter the WTO on November 10, reported state-run Shin Hwa media on November 7.

``China`s membership in the WTO will be ratified at the WTO cabinet meeting which will take place on November 10, 11:20 am (6:20 pm China) in Doha, Qatar. China`s membership appears settled.`` Shin Hwa announced the official position of the government.

China sent a team of 44 representatives headed by Shi Guang Sheng, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, to Doha for the meeting as well as Long Yongtu, Chief Representative of Trade Negotiations who represented China in the negotiations over China`s membership in the WTO.

Reports say that the WTO plans to approve Taiwan`s membership immediately after it ratifies China`s entry.

With China`s imminent entry in the WTO, various debates and symposiums about the pros and cons of Chinese membership are springing up.

On November 6, Peking University`s China Center for Economic Research and Taishan Research Institute jointly hosted a symposium in Beijing on ``WTO Membership and China`s Reform.``

Prominent figures from business and the academy participated in the symposium and agreed that ``China`s entry in the WTO is a new challenge and a new opportunity for progress.``
