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Tons of Gold Buried below WTC Recovered

Posted November. 02, 2001 08:57,   


Two truck-full of gold buried beneath the World Trade Center since the `Sept.11 Terror Attacks` was recovered on the night of Oct. 30 (local time).

The U.S. tabloid The Daily News published in New York reported that some hundred federal agents heavily armed with shotguns and automatic rifles were on strict guard while the recovery of gold was conducted inside the underground tunnel of the Fifth building of WTC.

UPI reported that the New York City authorities confirmed the press report by mentioning ``Some 200 million in god has been recovered from the wreck of the building.``

It is not known exactly what amount of gold has been buried in the wreck of WTC whose occupants were mostly banks and financial firms. However, Canada`s Bank of Nova Scotia was known to have kept some 200 million in gold and silver in the underground vaults of the Fourth building.

UPI reported that a large amount of gold was buried putatively in the wreck since other financial firms were claiming to have kept gold at the time of disaster.

Since the afternoon of that day when the burial spot of gold was revealed, workers` access to the scene was completely banned, and the police and firefighters, instead of workers, recovered the gold and loaded it to trucks.

A worker transmitted a grave atmosphere by saying, ``If anyone had attempted to approach the scene, the person would have been shot.``
