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Buying-Off Presidential Runner Candidates Should Be Hampered

Buying-Off Presidential Runner Candidates Should Be Hampered

Posted October. 29, 2001 09:20,   


`The Middle-Road Reform Forum`, comprised of 63 representatives of the New Millennium Democratic Party, handed out to the members the practical guide for blocking the corruption of the presidential election candidates to privatize the party representatives aiming at the next year`s party convention. But the action of the `Forum` has brought about the repulsive reaction of the presidential candidate camps.

The Dong-a Ilbo exclusively acquired the internal pamphlet called `the Middle-Road Reform Forum-Plan for membership consolidation and organization fortification` yesterday. The pamphlet pointed out that ``the presidential election candidates have sent out immoderately the gifts during the Thanksgiving holidays. There have been so many cases that certain candidates have established the covert private organizations within the party, and have executed an election campaign through the privatized representatives without the knowledge of the chairpersons of the district party chapters.``

The pamphlet also expressed the worries that if the non-parliamentary chairpersons of the district party chapters did not have a firm grip on the organizations and further were bought over to the presidential runner candidates by bribes, the district party chapters would break up into pieces, which would necessarily result in the defeat in the next year`s presidential election.

The pamphlet forecasted that the individual contacts to and the buying-off the party representatives by the presidential runner candidates would increase more severely in the future. And on the basis of such a forecast, it suggested the counterplots to rule out the party officials who establish the private organizations to support certain candidates. And the counterplots aimed at strengthening the power of the aides, directors of executive offices, and directors of organization offices of the district party chapters to prevent the candidates from contacting the party representatives.
