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NMDP, ``Early Nomination of Presidential Candidate``

Posted October. 27, 2001 10:05,   


The ruling New Millennium Democratic Party (NMDP) is self-reflecting on the party`s crushing defeat in Thursday`s parliamentary by-elections. They have attributed this result to the deteriorated public opinion against Kim Dae-Jung government. Therefore, the party considers fundamental countermeasures, including the early nomination of the party`s presidential candidate, to overcome its political crisis.

The chairman of the NMDP, Han Kwang-Ok, reported the outcome of the elections to President Kim at Chong Wa Dae. He suggested President Kim to start the discussions on political schedule: the reformation of government and party, the schedule for the national convention, the issue of the party`s leadership system, and the issue of the separation of presidential candidate and party`s president, etc.

In addition, the ruling party decided to reestablish the dialogue with the opposition party for the stabilization of the people`s livelihood, the recovery of economy, and the government reform. The Grand National Party (GNP) also declared to stop political struggle and to develop a `peaceful mutual-elevation politics`.

▼ Chairman Han`s report = Han said to President Kim, ``The party will humbly accept the public opinion that was represented through the results of the by-elections, and will transform and work in order to be with the people.`` He, then, suggested the plans to gain public opinion ▲ Development and expansion of the governmental policies for the middle class, populace, farmers, and fishermen ▲ Expansion of the dialogue between the president and the party`s lawmakers.

Spokesman of the NMDP, Jeon Yong-Hak, announced, ``A sweeping reshuffle of the party and government is planned at the end of this year after the regular session of the National Assembly.``

▼ Self-reflection of the ruling party = After an urgent supreme council meeting on 26th, spokesman Jeon said, ``The council members agreed on that the deterioration of the public opinion against the government and NMDP is serious, and the party has not actively responded to the problem although there were warning signs.``

Supreme council member Lee In-Jae called upon the party`s introspection. He said, ``The result of the by-elections is the stern representation of public opinion regarding to the last four-years governmental and political administration.``

▼ Emerging issue of the early nomination of presidential candidate = A high-ranking party official said that the key officials of the party agreed, right after the total defeat in by-elections, that present political crisis cannot be overcome without the early selection of the party`s presidential candidate. Thus, they decided to suggest President Kim to call national convention in next March.

This official said, ``In later Thursday night, when the outcome of the elections were almost clear, some key figures of the ruling party recommended a dramatic change of the political situation through early selection of the presidential candidate.``

The Middle-Way Reform Forum, a moderate politicians group led by Rep. Jeong Koon-Hwan, the head of special assistants for president, will have emergency meeting, on 28th, to discuss on the leadership system of the party and the issue of early national convention.

However, there is a possibility of internal conflict because some groups, including two supreme council members Han Hwa-Gap and Kim Keun-Tae, insist early reform of the government and politics while objecting against early selection of the presidential candidate.