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``Bin Laden Received UN Funds``

Posted October. 22, 2001 08:29,   


It appears that Osama Bin Laden used every means at his disposal to fund his terrorist activities. On October 20, BBC News reported that Bin Laden had received UN funds, and `The Guardian` reported that Bin Laden sold US cruise missiles that had not exploded on Afghanistan ground to China.

According to BBC News, the UN gave around 1.4 million dollars to a consortium of charity organizations in 1997 and one of the organizations was the Muwafaq, a front organization for Bin Laden.

``For over a decade the government has been aware that a number of refugee support groups, relief organisations and charities do act, in fact, as fronts for the raising of finance for terrorist organizations.`` former British anti-terrorist intelligence officer, Charles Shoebridge said.

The British paper, `The Guardian` reported that Bin Laden received millions of dollars for showing the Chinese unexploded U.S. missiles fired on Afghanistan.

In August of 1998, after the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the U.S. bombed Bin Laden`s headquarters in Afghanistan with cruise missiles. The information that China inspected the unexploded missiles after paying Bin Laden came from Italian police sources who recorded conversations between Al-Qaeda members.

Park Jei-Gyoon phark@donga.com