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Japan to Revise ``PKO Cooperative Law``

Posted October. 20, 2001 09:25,   


The Japanese government and the ruling party plan to revise the United Nations Peace Keeping Operation (PKO) cooperative law, as soon as the dispatch of the Self-Defense Force to overseas was made possible since the special measurement law against terrorism was passed by the Diet members.

The rational is that the PKO cooperative law should be revised since the dispatch of the Self-Defense Force to the dangerous areas was made possible according to the special measurement law against terrorism, and the standard for using arms was eased. The Japanese government and the ruling party plan to pass the revised bill by submitting it to the Diet.

The PKO cooperative law, legislated in 1982, restrains the Self-Defense Force not to participate in the supervision of the disarmament, the stationing and patrol at the neutral zone, and the support of the exchange of prisoner of war. The law also limits the use of arms only to the purpose of self-defense and defense of other members.

However, it was pointed that the PKO cooperative law should be changed as long as the Self-Defense Force participates in `war` since the legislation of the measurement law against terrorism.

Japan wants to dispatch the Self-Defense Force to Afghanistan in terms of peace keeping operation after the war on East Timor, which is to become independent next year, is over. Although Japan`s Self-Defense Force plans to participate in the removal of the land mine, this operation is beyond the limit of operation regulated by the PKO cooperative law.

The appeasement of the use of arms is necessary to guard the international organizations` employees and civilians if the Self-Defense Force participates in the major operation of the PK troops. The measurement law against terrorism allows the use of arms to protect foreign troops or refugees.

The move toward the revision of the PKO cooperative law implies the possibility of the breakdown of various prohibitions, which were applied to the Self-Defense Force, with the legislation of the measurement law against terrorism.

Shim Kyu-Sun ksshim@donga.com