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Doubts about Economical Efficiency of Alternative Fishing Ground Proposed by Russia

Doubts about Economical Efficiency of Alternative Fishing Ground Proposed by Russia

Posted October. 15, 2001 08:59,   


Although Russia proposed that it would provide alternative fishing grounds to the South Korean fishing boats if Russia makes the final agreement with Japan on the prohibition of fishing operation of the third countries in waters off of the Southern Kuril Islands, it was analyzed that the alternative fishing ground does not have economic efficiency.

Official of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) said yesterday that ``alternative fishing grounds proposed by Russia are known as waters off of the Northern Kuril Islands and nearby the Maritime Province of Siberia. However, the alternative fishing grounds lack economical efficiency since it is too far along with the less catch of the saury.``

``In order to operate the fishing in waters off of the North Kuril Islands or Maritime Province of Siberia, the government should find out the economical efficiency through the testing operation.`` the official added.

According to the MMAF and the Korea Pelagic Fishery Association, the economical efficiency is low in waters off of the Northern Kuril Islands compared with waters off of the Southern Kuril Islands due to the long traveling distance of the fishing boats, and the amount of fishing operation is only 25 percent of the amount in waters off of the Southern Kuril Islands.

Park Duk-Bae, director of the fishery resources at the MMAF, said, ``Although the Maritime Province of Siberia is known as an area where the saury is caught, it is difficult to mention the economical efficiency since there is no record that any fishing boats including the South Korean fishing boats have actually had fishing operation.``

Although the Russian government allotted quota that allows for the catch of 30,000 tons of the saury in waters of the Maritime Province of Siberia, it was reported that there was no precedent case in which not only the foreign companies but also even the Russian companies have ever bid.

The Korea Pelagic Fishery Association said that ``it is impossible to fish waters off of the Northern Kuril Islands and the Maritime Province of Siberia. The government should negotiate by any means so that the South Korean fishing boats can operate in waters off of the Southern Islands and Sanriku. This is the only way to solve the problem now.``
