Posted October. 15, 2001 08:58,
The government announced yesterday that President Kim Dae-Jung is to have a summit talk with the Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who is visiting South Korea for the first time, on Monday to discuss plans to restore the stringent relationship between South Korea and Japan due to the distortion of the history textbooks, Koizumi`s visit to Yasukuni Shrine, and the saury fishing in waters off of the Southern Kuril Islands.
It was reported that the Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi, who is visiting South Korea for the first time, was planning to state his position on history by visiting Suhdaemoon Independence Park in Seoul.
Meanwhile, the government was reportedly to consider canceling or changing the schedule if the members of the Grand National Party stage demonstration protesting against Prime Minister Koizumi`s visit to the National Assembly.