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Gov`t Request U.S. Support for North Korea

Posted October. 08, 2001 09:05,   


The government requested the U.S. to take the initiative for the early resumption of the NK-US dialogue. The government asked the U.S. to declare the amicable attitude toward the NK, to start economic aid as much as possible, and to propose first the time and place for the NK-US meeting.

A legitimate diplomatic source said yesterday, ``The government presented its position several times to the U.S. through the diplomatic channel. And the process represents President Kim Dae-Jung`s request that the U.S. needed to take the initiative for the early resumption of the NK-US dialogue.``

The government progressively explained such stance to the American high-ranking officials and politicians who recently visited Korea and asked for their support.

According to the `U.S. delegates` interview data` of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the government, for the early resumption of the US-NK dialogue, called for the U.S. the necessity to lead the N.K. into the discussion table by positively proposing the time and place for the US-NK dialogue.

The Bush administration, however, presented its awkward position to accept the request of the Korean government, which is actually the succession to the Clinton government`s policy to the North Korea.

Although the U.S. declared the resumption of the US-NK dialogue on last June 6, no meaningful discussion has been made because the U.S. proposed the discussion on the issues of nuclear, missile, and conventional weapon as the precondition for the dialogue.

Boo Hyung-Kwon bookum90@donga.com