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Minister Ahn Is Suspicious of Purchasing Land

Posted September. 28, 2001 08:52,   


In addition to the continuing suspicion of Minister Ahn`s real estate purchase in Kangnam, another suspicion has been raised that the brothers of Minister Ahn owns the building site of 70 pyong, which is registered to Mr. P, attached to the land of Minister Ahn.

Rep. Ahn Kyong-Ryul of the Grand National Party questioned whether Minister Ahn borrowed the name of Mr. Ahn to conceal his ownership on the building site. According to Rep. Ahn, Mr. P bought the land at the same period when Minister Ahn bought the building site in Kangnam and later Mr. Ahn leased the spot to the third younger brother of Minister Ahn for building a parking lot.

The suspicious land is adjacent to the land of Minister Ahn`s (125 pyong) and his second brother`s land (70 pyong). Currently, the third brother of Minister Ahn this spot including the lands of his brother and Mr. P for the space of `Daechi Parking Lot`.

According to Rep. Ahn who has searched through the old registration documents before the computerization, the land was given as a collateral security to an H Bakery by the name of the third brother on Sep. 5, 1989, rather than Mr. P who is known to having purchased the land on June 20, 1989.

Park Sung-Won swpark@donga.com