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U.S. Will Not Request for NATO`s Military Aid

Posted September. 28, 2001 08:53,   


The U.S. explained the NATO about the preparation of the war on terrorism yesterday and set for adopting a resolution for the blockade of the terrorist fund with UN.

The U.S. deputy Secretary of Defense visited the NATO Headquarters in Brussels to explain about the U.S. military operation to the Defense Ministers of the NATO member countries and to ask for the information to reveal the wire-pullers who had maneuvered the tragic terror in behind.

The Deputy Secretary said, ``If we are to think of a collective action, we will ask for [the military aid], but we don`t think it is necessary for now. We did not ask for the military aid to NATO.``

Therefore, at the early stage of the U.S. military operation against Afghanistan, the United Kingdom seems to be the only partner of the U.S.

However, the U.S., according to a Pakistan government source, is moving forward with a plan to establish a joint investigation team with the United Kingdom, Russia, Pakistan, and Tajikistan for the operation to hunt for Osama bin Laden.

The spokesperson of the U.S. Department of State revealed at his regular briefing that ``we began our discussion with UN for the adoption of the resolution to blockade the terrorist funds. The first draft of the resolution is currently on the way.``

He added that ``the resolution will obligate all the nation to cooperate in the financial matters for the war on terrorism.``

Meanwhile, the Taliban government in Afghanistan has been accelerating its preparation for the U.S. military operation by the war mobilization order of Mohammad Omar, the supreme leader of the nation.

Han Ki-Heung eligius@donga.com