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``Prosecution Said Lee Has the Bribery Memorandum``

Posted September. 22, 2001 08:44,   


Grand National Party (GNP) Floor Leader Lee Jae-Ho claimed yesterday requested the Prosecution to release the bribery memorandum to the public saying that ``we received an information that the Prosecution obtained a memorandum in which Lee recorded the content of the lobbying activities in the prosecution, political circles, the National Tax Services, and the Financial Supervisory Service.``

Lee Jae-Ho said at the press conference that ``the Central Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutors` Office already seized the memorandum, and the memorandum includes the lobbying activities and the use of money for the lobbying activities in relation to the stocks and funds.``

The memorandum was reported to have been written by Lee Yong-Ho, and to include the names of 2 high-ranking prosecutors and 3 politicians, and the amount of stock which Lee has managed.

It was also reported that the memorandum has the list of 5 prosecutors, 5 politicians of the Millennium Democratic Party, 2 high-ranking officials of the Financial Supervisory Service, 2 officials of the National Tax Service, and 1 official of the National Intelligence Service, to whom Lee had offered money.

Lee Jae-Ho said that ``the Prosecution should reveal whether the memorandum exists, and whether the list exists. If the list exists, the Prosecution should reveal the content. Only when the Prosecution reveals the content, the fairness of the investigation can be secured. If the investigation of the Prosecution is less sufficient than the materials and information that we have obtained, we are willing to open them to the public through the confirmation process.`` ``We know some of the content, and have a memo written by the chairperson Lee.`` added Lee.

However, Lee did not answer to the questions raised by the reporters on the concrete content of the chairperson Lee`s handwritten memo and the background of obtaining the memo.

Meanwhile, the GNP floor leader Lee claimed that although the Prosecutor General Shin Seung-Nam said that his brother received 66.66 million won, he received 100 million won.

Song In-Soo issong@donga.com