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[Editorial] Global Village Should Collaborate to Prevent Terrorism

[Editorial] Global Village Should Collaborate to Prevent Terrorism

Posted September. 13, 2001 08:46,   


The whole world is in the greatest shocks due to the unimaginable terror attack. The horrendous terror attack showed the cruelty of human beings at worst. We hope America recovers its security and peace soon, and we also mourn for those innocent citizens in New York.

This terror was most audacious and terrible one that does not allow for any comparison in the annals of terrorism. We had been concerned about the fact that terrorists could use nuclear weapon or bio-chemical weapon; however, we did not dare to imagine that civil airplane could be used as a new weapon by terrorists.

We cannot but doubt how the terrorists could manage to board the flights undetected and drove the airplane to flight prohibited area, penetrating security system. As we bitterly learned from the terror attack on America, terrorism does not aim certain group or single country only. Any country can be a target of terrorism, a horrendous crime against humanity. Terrorists are rooting in the crack generated in the aftermath of Cold War system. This terror attack seems to have something to do with hatred toward Bush administration which declared the `diplomacy based on power` The terror attack also shows an incredibly careful plan that aims to horrify the world.

As we see the horrible collapsed remains of the World Trade Center buildings, Pentagon in fire, and citizens with wounds and bloods, we can understand this terror attack left a bigger trauma than Peal Harbor attack did. America`s bow for retaliation is more than understandable.

But we should calmly and effectively gather all the wisdom of the world in order to hunt down and punish terrorists. Terrorists are a common enemy of the global village of 21st century. Hatred and anger cannot solve the problem. A bad cycle of violence can be continued if the background of the terrorism is revealed. Therefore international collaboration should be active to hunt down terrorists and we should find a way to prevent this kind of horrible terrorism.