Posted September. 08, 2001 08:49,
The US State Department welcomed on 6th the agreement on the restart of a high-level talk between two Koreas as a very positive progress.
The State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher said, ``The resumption of the South-North dialog is a good thing. We are inspired at the news that two Koreas agreed to resume the talks in the minister level from 15th to 18th at Seoul.``
And Spokesman Boucher added, ``We think that the South-North talks is the key to the peace and security of the Korean peninsula. President George W. Bush clearly declared such an opinion through the announcement (in regard to the North Korea policy and the suggestion of the resumption of NK-US talks) in last June.``
Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro also said yesterday, ``We welcomed the favorable atmosphere between two Koreas. We hope that the progress of the South-North talks will be an impetus to accelerate the peace and stabilization of the Korean peninsula.``
Meanwhile, CNN forecasted that ``the move shunts aside skepticism that the dismissal of South Korea`s key policymaker on the North this week, which led to the entire cabinet resigning, would dent the peace process.``
And Los Angeles Times pointed out in an editorial titled `Sunshine For North Korea` that Chairman of the National Defense Committee, Kim Jong-Il should show his support to the sunshine policy of South Korea by a visit to Seoul.