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Jiang Zemin – Kim Jong-Il Meeting Today

Posted September. 03, 2001 08:03,   


Chinese President and General Secretary of the Community Party, Jiang Zhemin is visiting North Korea from September 3 to September 5. President Jiang will hold two summit conference talks with North Korean National Defense Commission Chairman Kim Jong-Il on September 3 and 4. It is reported that President Jiang will try to encourage Chairman Kim to make a return visit to Seoul and restart the dialogue with the U.S.

The meeting is first visit by President Jiang in the capacity of General Secretary of the Communist Party since his visit 11 years ago in March 1990. The meeting is expected to have significant impact on the South-North Korea relations and the countries` respective relations with neighboring superpowers.

During an interview with Japan`s Asahi Shinbun, Foreign Minister Tang Jaixuan stated, ``China has supported stability and peace in the Korean peninsula. As a continuation of that support, President Jiang will be able to encourage Chairman Kim to revive the South-North and North-U.S. dialogue.`` Minister Tang said, ``After the summit, both nations will compose a report document.`` announcing the forthcoming joint statement which will contain the results of the summit talks. President Jiang will be accompanied by Zeng Qinghong, head of the Communist Party Organization Department and one of the new generation leaders, and Vice Premier Qian Qichen and 100 other officials for the visit. Zeng Peiyan, Minister for State Development Planning Commission, People`s Liberation Army Vice President Chief of Staff, and other high ranking officials will also be a part of the entourage, which indicates that issues of economic cooperation with North Korea, food and energy aid, and military collaboration will be formally discussed. Bejing`s informed circles on North Korea report that North Korea is postponing other foreign leader visits for after President Jiang`s visit and is making special preparations for welcoming China`s highest leader.

Lee Jong-Hwan ljhzip@donga.com