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Some of Korean Federation Students Union Visited North Korea Last Year, Changing their Post

Some of Korean Federation Students Union Visited North Korea Last Year, Changing their Post

Posted August. 23, 2001 09:48,   


In response to the blame that the Minster of the Ministry of Unification Lim Don-Won had approved the visit to North Korea by a heresy civil organization for 8.15 Grand Festival, Minister Lim said, ``The report stating that I had ignored the authority of the government`s objection and sent them to the North is not true. I sent them after considerable talk and agreement with related agencies.``

Minister Lim said this at the Democrats party meeting. He also explained, ``According to current laws, a person cannot be allowed to visit North Korea when she is currently under the judicial process. But a person who is pardoned is not under that restriction even though if s/he was once charged with the violation of the National Security Law.``

``We will review a plan to reinforce the related laws, learning from this event.`` he added.

Meanwhile a government official disclosed that some members of Korean Federation of Students Union and Federation of Commoner`s Union changed their post and participated in the 55th anniversary of the formation of the Labor Party of North Korea last December and talks on KumKang Mt. at June.

The official said, ``there was an agreement on their visit to North Korea, and it was a sort of costume.`` Government also carefully reviewed the list of visitors of North Korea on the 10th of August, five days before the festival. The approval was made after considerable discussion, he added.

Moon Chul fullmoon@donga.com