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Summit Talks Between the Ruling Party and the Opposition Party; If Early, Next Weekend

Summit Talks Between the Ruling Party and the Opposition Party; If Early, Next Weekend

Posted August. 16, 2001 08:40,   


President Kim Dae-Joong suggested summit meeting to Lee Hui-Chang, the head of Grand National Party to discuss economic issues and two Korea relationships. The National Grand Party accepted the suggestion and it might shed a light to the tight political situation.

President Kim suggested this meeting in the celebration address for the 56th National Liberation Memorial Day in the Independence Memorial Building in Choog Book province.

President said, `` I welcome the head Lee Hui-Chang`s idea that we should collaborate for two Korea relationship and economic issues.``

Kwan Chul-Hyun spokesman of the Grand National Party said, ``It is meaningful that President suggested these talks, and we accept it.``

He implied that the talks could be held next weekend by saying that ``Lee Hui-Chang is coming back on 22 after visiting Singapore. This is not a matter to be delayed.`` High official of Chung Wa Dae also said, ``at any given time.``

President Kim said in the celebration address, ``The local election and the presidential election in next year will be the most fair election in the history.`` He also urged politicians to reform the election of the National Assembly party.

President added, ``Recently, some group in Japan is trying to distort history and it is bringing a dark shadow to Korea-Japan relationship again. We hope the two nations develop a positive relationship on the ground of fair historical consciousness.``

He also said, ``We hope the U.S. to do their best for the talks with North Korea.``

President Kim also insisted that North Korea should follow the 6.15 joint declaration and take more positive action to the talks with the U.S.

Lastly, President Kim emphasized the continuation of reformation of the economy that helps us to survive. Through the reformation of the four fields and the expansion of the domestic market, we should recover our economic power, he added.

He also said that he will reduce tax for salaried class and small business owner who paid tax diligently,the way for it will be the expansion of the amount deducted from one`s own income.

Yun Seung-Mo ysmo@donga.com