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`I Arrested Cuban Hero Ché Guevara`

Posted August. 15, 2001 08:32,   


When the Mexican government recently gathered together information for policies on the native population and rebel movements, it was discovered, in relation to indications that he may have been involved in counterintelligence, that the Bolivian ambassador to Mexico was responsible for capturing the Cuban revolution hero, Ché Guevara.

Bolivian ambassador and retired general, Gary Prado, announced at a news conference hosted by the Mexican daily, La Jornada, on August 13, ``On October 8, 1967, I myself arrested Ché Guevara who had infiltrated Bolivia and sent him to prison. It was said at the time that the U.S. government interfered to arrest and assassinate Guevara, but that is not true.``

Prado also said, ``There is a large gap between the actual image of Guevara at the time and the heroic image that we have of him today. I remember him as a failed revolutionary, exhausted and at the end of his tethers.``

Ché Guevara infiltrated Bolivia in order to spread the communist revolution and was assassinated and secretly buried after his arrest in 1967. What is believed to be his remains was discovered in a Bolivian mountain in 1996. After Ambassador Prado’s announcement, leftist movements voiced their opposition to his appointment as an ambassador to Mexico.

An incident occurred when Prado recently attended a cultural festival in Mexico City where Mexican novelist Alberto Yijar threw a wine glass at his face, shouting `Long live Ché!` Bolivian sources also added to the trouble when they suggested that ``Ambassador Prado received his appointment to Mexico in order to secretly work for creating connections between Mexican and Bolivian native movements.``