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Dangerous Assassination between Israel and Palestine

Posted August. 03, 2001 09:32,   


A sanguinary confrontation between Israel and Palestine is becoming more fierce with the policy of `` targeted-killing`` by both Israel and Palestine. The U.S-brokered cease-fire on 6.13 between Israel and the Palestinians has now officially ended with the declaration by Palestine who are in a stage of deep rage from Israel`s killing the leaders of Hamas. In the session on the first of August, Israeli security cabinet affirmed the policy of picking out targets for killings despite the international condemnations including the U.S. The session of Israeli security cabinet was called because of the international condemnation on Hamas Missile attack that killed 8 people. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, however, reaffirmed their policy of assassination and made a phone call to the leaders of major countries including U.S Secretary of State Colin L. Powell in order to explain their policy and get support.

Abdel Azia Al Lantish, the leader of Gaza Strip of Hamas, vowed revenge saying, ``We ask all Palestinian army to assassinate the killer, Prime Minister Sharon and the criminal, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres. `` It is the first time for the Palestinian militant group of which tactic was mainly suicide bombing, to declare `targeted-assassination`` of Israeli leaders.

The same day, there was a huge funeral for the 8 victims of Hamas attack with a crowd of 100 thousand, crying out for revenge.

Since the blood shed of last September, Israel had made a policy to assassinate so called ``targeted-killing`` that picks out major leaders of the Palestinians whom Israel regards as senders of terrorist.

The senior leader of Hamas, Jamal Mansor who died in Hamas attack is known to be behind several terrorism against Israel.

In February, Masud Ahmed, the general guard of Arafat, died of Israel`s rocket attack. Iyad Haddan, the left wing leader of Islam Jihad died of bomb while using a public phone.

Arafat, Palestinian leader, is said to move his bedroom frequently out of the threat of Israel’s targeted-killing.

On the first of August, spokesman of Prime Minister blamed the Palestinians for violating the treaty of cease-fire saying, `` since the truce treaty, 94 people were killed or injured out of the Palestinian terror`` The Palestinians responded, ``It is Israel’s `targeted-killing`` that is the most dangerous violation of the treaty. ``
