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The First Adoption Of A `Right-wing Japanese Textbook` By A Public School.

The First Adoption Of A `Right-wing Japanese Textbook` By A Public School.

Posted August. 01, 2001 19:56,   


The Yang Hoo Public middle school (founded by Tokyo) adopted the right-wing Japanese Textbook. 20 schools of private middle school has been said to adopt this distorted textbook; however, because they do not have any duty to announce their textbook, it is not easy to know the exact information. It is disclosed on 30th that the committee of Tokyo Education choose the textbook through vote on 26th. Yang Hoo middle school is a school for the mentally challenged students and has 26 branches with 980 students.

Because the school is for the physically challenged where the textbook is adopted by the committee of the city education not by parents or the municipal committee, it is not easy to protest against the decision to use the distorted textbook. The decision seems to reflect the right-wing tendency of the governor of Tokyo, Shintaro. Civil organization,``Children and textbook national net 21`` demanded to change this decision by issuing a statement against it.

There was a precedent that the committee of Shimoska education gave up the same decision of adopting the right-wing textbook because of the severe protest by the civil organization and teachers.

Shim Kyu-Sun ksshim@donga.com