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10 Thousand Of Government Employees Plan A Large Protest

10 Thousand Of Government Employees Plan A Large Protest

Posted July. 28, 2001 08:55,   


A large scale of protest is planed on 28th in Pusan by the national government employee association and others with the purpose of winning the government employees’ right to labor. The meeting draws keen attention since the government is currently reviewing the bill that allows the national federation of government employee association.

Government, however, regards the Pusan meeting as illegal and is planning a legal punishment for the leaders. This will aggravate the conflict between government and its employees.

``The committee for government employees’ right to labor and the reformation of government officials`` (including National Government Employee Association) announced on 27th that they will have the Pusan meeting on 28th 2:00 p.m. following 6.9 Chang Woon meeting. They also announced that they expect about 10000 people from various government employees’ assemblies. (210 assemblies)

The committee plans to issue a statement crying for the reformation of government officials. And the committee will start the demonstrating march from Pusan station to Nampodong (3.2km) asking the government to keep its public pledge (government employee’ right to labor) of 1997 election.

The committee is planing other meetings after the Pusan meeting, which will bring serious issues concerning the government employee labor union. Pusan National Police Agency has decided to post 1600 of polices in Pusan Station preparing for the worst.

Meanwhile, government reaffirmed that the Pusan meeting is illegal and the leaders of the meeting will be asked to take serious legal responsibilities even if government is currently reviewing the bill that allows the national federation of government employee association within this year.

An administrative official says, ``the Pusan meeting runs counter to the constitution and the leaders will receive severe punishments for that.`` The official also said ``Government is now reviewing the bill on the national federation of government employee association; therefore, it is a time for the national government employee association to act within the law. If they betray this expectation, government has no other choice than a severe punishment.``
