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19 Cases Of Oil Leakage Involving USFK Since 1990

Posted July. 27, 2001 08:07,   


Green Korea United (GKU) said that there are 19 cases of oil leakage involving the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) since the early 1990s, and 10 of them occurred since last year.

According to the GKU, beginning with the oil leakage in the oil pipeline in Wonsung Dong, Cheonahn, Chungnam, in April 1990, there were two cases of oil leakage involving USFK in 1990, one case in 1991, 1994, 1996, 1997, and two cases in 1998, and one case in 1999.

Especially, there were 7 cases last year, and 3 cases occurred this year including the oil leakage in the USFK Yongsan base. The frequency of land and water contamination is increasing due to the oil leakage.

The GKU said, ``The frequency of oil leakage is increasing due to the dilapidation oil facilities such as oil conserve and pipelines and the poor management. The government should launch a full-scale investigation on the oil management of USFK.``

Meanwhile, Suh Wang-Jin, secretary-general of the Citizens` Movement for Environment Justice, told that ``a wide-range of investigation on USFK bases is necessary. USFK, like in Germany, should take the responsibilities for the environment pollution related accidents and should recover the contaminated areas to the original condition.``
