The 5 working day system may be implemented by stages from 2003.
Labor Minister Kim Ho-Jin said yesterday that ``the government cannot delay the introduction of the 5 working day system, which is supported by the national consensus. When the labor and the management fail to reach an agreement by the end of August, the government will submit the bill to the National Assembly by November and will complete the legislation by the end of this year.``
Minister Kim remarked, ``as the maternity related legislation was completed with the support of national consensus even without an agreement between both sides, it`s time to complete the legislation of the 5 working day system. The government will adjust the vacation system lest the holidays exceed those of other competing countries. Therefore, it will take time for a full scale implementation.``
Consequently, the Labor Ministry will form a `planning team for the labor hour system improvement` to take charge of the collection of various opinions and the coordination.
The Ministry revealed that ``since the reduction of the labor hour is closely related with the duration of vacation, the system has to be introduced at the beginning of a year. The system will be applied to some business sectors but the small and medium business might need more time to prepare for the implementation of the new labor hour system.``
The reduction of the labor hour, which is one of the most serious controversies in the Tripartite Committee, seems to reach an agreement to set maximum 20-25 days for vacation including annual vacation and monthly breaks.
The limit of the overtime labor and the ratio of the extra wages for overtime duties will be 12 hours per week and 50 percent respectively.
In addition, the government is considering of no-payment for Sundays and the special monthly leave, supplementing the loss of income by the increase of minimum payment and extra benefits.
A related official of the Ministry explained, ``the wages of laborers will decrease even after the implementation of the 5 working day system. Furthermore, if the management would not allow the laborers the whole vacation days, they would suffer much more extra expenses.``
Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Jin Nyum said that, ``The new 5 working day system will be introduced by the agreement in the Tripartite Committee and applied to the large business to the small and medium business by stages. However, the new system requires of the improvement of the business productivity.`` In addition, he hinted the early enforcement of the 5 working day system, saying ``the application of the system to the government officials and students will be decided by the government.``