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Chan-Ho Park, `One more shutout…`

Posted July. 24, 2001 11:30,   


`Get into the double digit.`

Park, Chan-Ho, `Korean Express`, will pitch in a game against the Milwaukee Brewers, who may serve as `Summer booster` to him, aiming for five-time 10-wins in a row. He will be a starter in a road trip to the Miller Park in Milwaukee on July 24, 9:05 AM (Korean Time).

Ever since he became a starter in 1997, Park has won two-digit wins every year and established his position as one of the best pitchers. He won 14 games in 1997, 15 games in 1998, 13 games in 1999, 18 games last year, and 9 games so far this year, despite the lack of his teammates` hitting supports. Milwaukee is a `piece of a cake` for Park, who aims for 10-wins. Against the Milwaukee, he appeared eight times outstandingly, winning 5 times without a loss (ERA 2.48). He pitched 54 1/3 innings, getting 42 hits and 57 strikeouts.

Again, it was against the Milwaukee on July 19 that Park won his first shutout without walk. It was his ninth win, after he pitched 7 games since his eighth win.

Other than Geoff Jenkins, whose hitting percentage against Park is 0.350, there is no challenging hitter. This statistics relieves him of burden.

His opponent pitcher is Allen Levrault, who pitched against Park 5 days ago. His season record is 4 wins, 4 losses, ERA 4.98, which is inferior to Park`s. If Park`s teammates hit well, his tenth win is almost ready to be picked up.

Meanwhile, Kim, Byung-Hyun, `strikeout doctor` of the Arizona Diamondbacks, pitched a game against the San Francisco held at the Pacific Bell Park, San Francisco on July 23. He didn`t allow any run in the game, which is his eighth pitching without earning any runs.

Kim appeared in the ninth inning, when his team was leading by 12-4. He earned two strikeouts, no hits and no runs, which helped him lower his ERA to 2.86 from 2.90.

Ever since Kim`s no-run game started on July 2 against Colorado Rockies, he continued to earn no-run games. The number of no-run games became `8`, while he is keeping the record of 33 no hitters.

Kim Jong-Seok kjs0123@donga.com