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Japan Clashes With Russia About Korean Fishing Operation In Kurils

Japan Clashes With Russia About Korean Fishing Operation In Kurils

Posted July. 13, 2001 09:40,   


Japan`s Foreign Minister Tanaka Masao demanded to Russian ambassador Alexander Panov yesterday that Russia should not allow the Korean fishing ships to operate in the South Kuril Islands.

Japan`s Foreign Minister Tanaka summoned Russian ambassador Alexander Panov and requested him `to cooperated with Japan to prevent the worsening of the Russia-Japan relationship and to block the Korean fishing ships from the fishing operation for this year and the next year.`

Ambassador Panov rejected the Japan`s request, remarking that ``the permission to the Korean fishing ships for the operation in the Kuril Islands is a totally separate matter from the territorial problems.``

Meanwhile, NHK reported that `Koizumi Junichiro Japan`s Prime Minister will raise this issue to Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G8 summit in Italy, late July, in which the leaders of Russia and the 7 advance countries participate.`

Shim Kyu-Sun ksshim@donga.com