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Chang Young-Shin Lost Assembly Seat

Posted July. 13, 2001 09:39,   


Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) Lawmaker Chang Young-Shin lost her seat in the National Assembly yesterday after the Supreme Court nullified her last year election in the Kuro B district of Seoul.

Meanwhile, the court ordered the case of United Liberal Democrat (ULD) Won Chul-Hee, who was found guilty of embezzling the public funds as chairperson of the agricultural foundation, to be retried at the High Court. Rep. Won can keep his Assembly seat until the court’s decision is made. Following this, the ULD can maintain its position as a negotiating group.

- Case of Chang Young-Shin: The Supreme Court (Lee Yong-Woo, justice of the Supreme Court) nullified her election accepting a complaint filed by her opponent Lee Seung-Chul of the Grand National Party (GNP).

The Supreme Court nullified the election of the GNP’s Kim Young-Ku (Dongdaemoon B, Seoul) last month. Therefore, two Assemblypeople, who won in the 16th general election, have lost their seats.

According to the election law, a reelection will take place in the Kuro B district in October 25. The court said that ``Rep. Chang, the owner of Aikyung Co., had urged the workers at her company to move to the district and vote for her. Considering the number of people, activities, and the cost of her illegal election campaign, this seriously violates the fairness of election, and affected the results of the election, tipping it in her favor.``

Total 28 lawsuits have been filed in relation to the 16th general election. Of 28, 3 cases (Kangdong B, Seoul, Dukcyang A, Koyang, Kyunggi, and Jinju, Kyungnam) regarding the invalidation of election have not been decided yet.

- Case of Won Chul-Hee: The Supreme Court (Song Jin-Hoon, justice of the Supreme Court) overturned the original verdict, which sentenced him to a two-and-a-half year prison sentence with a three-year suspension, and ordered his case to be retried at the High Court. The court said, ``It requires more review as to whether Won’s use of 280 million won as chairperson of the agricultural foundation was a case of embezzlement.`` However, the court implied his guilt in most charges saying that his appeal for other charges was groundless.

Rep. Won was found guilty of embezzling a total amount of 600 million won (4-5 million won every month up to 490 million won) under the name of management of business when he was chairperson of the agricultural foundation from 1994 through February 1999. Won was indicted in April 1999 and was sentenced a two-and-a-half year prison sentence with a three-year suspension.

Lee Soo-Hyung sooh@donga.com