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35 Percent of US Employees Under Surveillance

Posted July. 10, 2001 09:37,   


One third of the U.S. employees are under the surveillance with their uses of Internet and e-mail exchanges.

According to the survey by the Privacy Foundation, the Internet connections of the 35 percent of the U.S. employees (14 million) out of total 40 million U.S. employees are monitored by the company. The rate implies that Internet connections of 27 million employees worldwide are exposed to the employers.

The Privacy Foundation indicated that the concerns of the employers on the productivity improvement and the sexual harassment prevention have increased. However, the employers have utilized cheap software to monitor the employees. Different from the previous polls, this data was estimated by the survey on the quantity of the total sales of the software, which aim to monitor the use of Internet. Andrew Schulman head researcher of the Foundation said that ``the Federal law allows the employers to monitor the use of Internet in the offices but the company should notice the employees that the company is monitoring the use of internet.``
