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China, Also Displeased By Japan’s Rejection of Revision Of History Textbooks

China, Also Displeased By Japan’s Rejection of Revision Of History Textbooks

Posted July. 09, 2001 09:21,   


China also expressed its discontentment on the Japan’s rejection of the revision of history textbook yesterday. After hearing from Kummaru Yuji Japanese ambassador in China that Japan will not revise the 8 items demanded by China, Sun Guoshang, vice-chief of the Ahju department of the China’s Foreign Ministry said, ``Japan’s rejection of the revision means that the Japanese government protects the right wing circle’s denial as well as beautification of the invasion. China expresses strong regret as well as discontent.`` Mr. Sun said, ``China requests the Japanese government to properly handle the issue of textbook in accordance with the demands by the Chinese government.``

Lee Jong-Hwan ljhzip@donga.com