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Gov`t Official`s Severe Disciplinary Punishment Face Resistance

Gov`t Official`s Severe Disciplinary Punishment Face Resistance

Posted June. 25, 2001 20:00,   


The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs has set up a plan for a severe disciplinary punishment on the leaders of the government officials rally in Changwon, Kyongnam, June 9. However, responding to the government`s criminal accusation, the Association of the Korea Government Officials declared a strong protest yesterday. Therefore, the government and AKGO are expected to be caught up in clashes concerning the Changwon rally on June 9.

MGAHA recently filed a criminal suit against the four leaders of AKGO, including Cha Bong-Cheon, the chairperson of AKGO, and Kim Young-Gil, the chairperson of AKGO Kyongnam area. And also the Ministry ordered the related government offices to take strong disciplinary actions, including the dismissal according to the levels of engagement, to the leaders of AKGO Pusan-Kyongnam area and the participants of the rally.

AKGO organized an emergency measure committee and the individual unions formed `defense teams.` AKGO will hire the defense counsel to protest against the government and move forward with the relay demonstration, a signature collecting campaign for the establishment of the government officials union, and another rally to denounce MGAHA.

In particular, the participants of the AKGO Kyongnam area will present their `appeals for punishment,` requesting the government of the equal punishment for their voluntary participations because they had agreed on the intention of the rally for the achievement of the basic labor rights of the government officials and had actively participated in the meeting.

Kang Jeong-Hoon manman@donga.com