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Ulsan`s Paulini Earned Two Goals Again

Posted June. 24, 2001 20:07,   


The Brazilian player Marcos Paulo Paulini (24, photo) of the Ulsan Hyundai ran up the outright leader in the goal ranking of the K-League, showing off the explosive goal ability to acquire two goals for two consecutive games.

Poulini earned the first goal taking advantage of the opponent`s defenders in the 34th minute of the first half, and recorded his fourth goal with a exquisite header in the first minute of the second half, in game between the Pusan Icons and the Ulsan Hyundai at the Pusan Kudok Stadium. As Cleber head passed the ball which Jung Jeong-Soo centered from the right side, Poulini connected it to the goal with a header.

The Ulsan, however, allowed the retrieving goal to Pusan`s Lee Yong-Ha in 38th minute of the second half and the tying goal to Woo Sung-Yong just three minutes before the end of game. The game between the Ulsan and the Pusan ended in tie. Woo Sung-Yong recorded his third goal in the regular season.

In the beginning of this year, the Ulsan rearmed itself with a `Samba Soccer` by importing `the Brazilian troika` comprised of Paulini, Cleber, and Marcos. But these players have not shown the effect of the `Samba Soccer` as they have been slowly adjusted to the K-League. The Ulsan earned the fourth place in the B-group at the Adidas Cup.

However, as the Samba warriors adjusted themselves to the Korean soccer style in the regular season, the situation began to change. It is very Paulini who stands in the center of the Samba Soccer.

Paulini has been very active to get a goal in the regular season. He recorded two goals and one assist in game with Chonbuk Hyundai Motors, and earned two goals in game with the Pusan, which moved him up to the first place in the goal ranking. Although Paulini is an experienced player who had recorded 63 goals in the Brazil secondary soccer league for three years from 1997, he could not earn the trust in the Adidas Cup in which he participated for the first time in Korea. He played as a starting member only in one game out of eight games, and performed as a replacement in five games. And he did not show up in two games. Actually, there was a rumor that he will be released from the team.

But Paulini began to be held in an important position after recording two goals in the Adidas Cup, and he was revived again as a treasure of the Ulsan with an outstanding goal sense in the beginning of the regular season.

Meanwhile, the game between the Chunnam and the Anyang in Kwangyang, and the game between the Chonbuk and the Pohang in Chonju which were scheduled to be held in the same day, were postponed due to the rain.

Joo Sung-Won swon@donga.com