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Intensified Tense b/t Both Shores

Posted June. 17, 2001 20:28,   


The tense between China and Taiwan has intensified recently.

While Chinese Army carrying out the largest scale military maneuver in the Taiwan Straits area, which deploy 100 thousands soldiers, the Taipei will practice the proof-firing of its Patriot missiles this week.

A Chinese Daily for the Chinese diasporas reported that the Taiwanese army would practice the live firing of the Patriot missiles in a military base of Pingtung Hsien during 19-22. However, the detail schedule was not released for the sake of the security. The source requested not to make unnecessary speculations since the operation is only one of the regular practices.

Previously, Taiwanese Defense Minister confirmed that the Taipei will perform the practice proof-fire of the Patriot missiles equipped with the real warhead. He hinted the U.S.-Taiwan cooperation on this operation, saying that ``it is specially significant in that the military operation will be the first live firing practice of the Patriot missiles outside the U.S.``

A related source of the Taiwanese Military said that the U.S. experts will participate in the operation and will analyze the outcome of the live-firing test of the Patriot missiles with the investigation teams of the Taiwan Army, Air Force, and Navy. For the investigation, the Taiwan is reported to position the investigation equipments, such as MPQ-53 radar and MSO-104 control center, in major observatory points.

China is on the largest scale operation on an island close to Taiwan, which deploys 100 thousands soldiers and the high-tech military equipment. The Chinese military maneuver has stimulated the Taipei because it is known that the Chinese military drill focuses on the general landing practice in preparation for the real landing operation on the Taiwan shore.

Lee Jong-Hwan ljhzip@donga.com