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France, Bickers of Left-Right Coalition

Posted June. 15, 2001 20:32,   


Facing the Presidential election in 2002, the ruling left-right coalition in France has been bickering with each other.

At the center of the controversies, France President Jacque Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin chewed each other. Prime Minister Jospin, whose ultra-left activities in his young age were revealed recently, ignited the fiery conflict by attacking President Chirac at the French National Assembly on June 13.

Responding to the criticism on the ultra-left activities by the right-wing lawmakers, Jospin poured the fuel on the disputes, saying ``it`s true that I did not quickly reveal my past activities to the press but it is much better than to refuse to appear in court.`` The utterance targeted President Chirac, who had been summoned by the court on charge of the alleged connection to the illegal political fund raising of PRP while he was the mayor of Paris. Chirac refused to appear in court under the privilege of exemption from liability.

On reporting of the Jospin`s remark, President Chirac, who was participating in the NATO summit in Brussels, made a phone call to express his regret to the Prime Minister. Elise Palace also revealed its regret that the Prime Minister attacked President Chirac while the President was busy for the national interests in the foreign countries.

The Liberacion commented yesterday on the disputes in its editorial `Trotskyst or Swindler, Whom do you want for the nest president?,` ``Next presidential campaign might be falling in the personal attacks rather than on the competition of the policies.``

Kim Sae-Won claire@donga.com