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[Editorial] Let`s Concentrate All Efforts To Overcome Drought

[Editorial] Let`s Concentrate All Efforts To Overcome Drought

Posted June. 10, 2001 08:22,   


The field of the nation has been scorching by the most disastrous drought in the past 90 years. Due to the continuing high temperature and arid climate, some regions of the nation still have not completed the rice transplantation. If the weather goes on like this, even the transplanted field will be withered. Vegetables, hot peppers, garlic, and fruits are all drying out.

Drinking waters and industrial waters are in danger of shortage. Fire engines and military facilities are mobilized to supply waters in the 16 cities and counties, where the drinking water resources have dried up. Sapkyo Lake, which looked like a sea before, now contains only 16 percent of its capacity and is expected to dry out to the bottom in 10 days. Fortunately, the average water storage of the multi-purpose dams marks 34 percent and 11 dams started the discharge of agricultural water. However, the land where the newly discharged water could not reach only has to wait for the rainfalls. Betraying the outcry of the farmers, who are waiting for the rain, the rain forecast is not likely coming soon. The Korea Meteorological Administration forecasted the rainy season would start from the end of this month. The coming 15 days are the critical period.

The government, the military and the civilian have to concentrate all their efforts to overcome the crisis for the coming 15 days. When the nation was totally dependent on the agriculture, if the drought continued, the king prayed for rain and the people refrained from their entertainments. The rate of the agricultural population has reduced down to 9 percent but still 4 million people engage in the agriculture. The agricultural villages are the homelands of the city people whose relatives and parents have been tilling the land.

It is recommendable for all society to join for the overcome of the drought. Citizens, who cannot help the farmers in person, might want to join the donation campaigns provided by the press companies.

The ruling and opposition parties cooperate, after a long interval, to support the farmers who have suffered the drought. The general strike, led by the Korea Federation of Trade Union in the 200 enterprises, has to be withdrawn. Even when accepting the significance of the labor related bills, it is questionable that they should choose this time for the general strike.

Ulsan citizens were unpleased yesterday of seeing flying fire-bottles in the violent demonstrations. It is anxious lest the Korea Federation of Trade Union would lose the support of the people by its untimely violent labor movement.

The city people, who still do not worry about the water supply, should save waters, reminding farmers who are struggling with the dry weather. Thanks to the cheap water supply, people often waste too much water. The companies that consumes large amount of water are necessary to take the lead of the `save water` campaign to facilitate the public participation.