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DJ Calls Again For Kim Jong-Il`s Return Visit

Posted June. 06, 2001 10:46,   


President Kim Dae-Jung said yesterday, ``the return visit of Kim Jong-Il, the North Korea’s National Defense Commission Chairman, must be made and I believe [he will make a return visit].``

President Kim Dae-Jung delivered a memorial address at the 46th commemoration ceremony of the Memorial Day in the national cemetery. He reiterated his call for the Kim Jong-Il`s return visit. ``The North promised to observe the Joint South-North Declaration and the return visit of Chairperson Kim Jong-Il is inscribed in the Joint Declaration.``

The President remarked, ``Previously, I expressed my hope that the North reveals its schedule for the return visit of Chairperson Kim to Seoul on the 1st anniversary of the inter-Korean summit. I would like to remind the North side of this again.``

President Kim also emphasized that the improvement of the inter-Korean relationship cannot be separated from the improvement of the North-U.S. relationship. ``With the improvement of only one relationship, the peaceful exchange and cooperation in the Korean peninsula will hardly be achieved.``

The President also mentioned that, ``thanks to the noble sacrifice of the patriotic martyrs and the guardian heroes of the state, we are enjoying the peace and freedom today. To follow their will is to accomplish the peaceful re-unification, while preserving the democracy and the national security by the water-tight security posture.``

After the commemoration ceremony, the President visited former chairpersons of KwangBok Hoe (the Association of the Independent movement contributors), Lee Kang-Hoon and Kim Seung-Gon, and other patriots and the victims of the Korean War, who was hospitalized in the Seoul Veterans Hospital.

Yun Seung-Mo ysmo@donga.com