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Not a Single Bill Proposal Raised by 128 Assemblypersons

Not a Single Bill Proposal Raised by 128 Assemblypersons

Posted June. 04, 2001 10:47,   


Civic Organizations Solidarity Council (COSC), consisted of 250 organizations, criticized yesterday at the press conference held for the evaluation of the 16th National Assembly saying that ``the 16th National Assembly has not broken away from the old political practices carried out by the 15th National Assembly.`` The COSC evaluated the 16th National Assembly commenting that ``although the number of bill proposals raised by the assemblypersons in the 16th National Assembly increased by 155 (74.1 percent), the National Assembly has failed to be a substantial and fair assembly because it has not followed its law, which was reformed last February.``

The COSC particularly pointed out that although four articles -`the establishment of the standing committee`, `the utilization of expert of the permanent committee`, `the expanded enforcement of question to the urgent pending issues`, `the system of the committee of the whole Assembly`- were included in the reformed National Assembly law, they were never operated for the last one year. The COSC also announced that Assemblyperson Cho Woong-Kyu (GNP) proposed the most number of bills (19 bill suggestions) in the 16th National Assembly followed by Shim Jae-Chul (GNP, 15), Kim Won-Woong (GNP, 10)and Kim Hong-Shin (GNP, 10). However, 128 Assemblypersons did not raise a single bill proposal in the 16th National Assembly.

The COSC also selected `Assemblyperson of stumbling stone` and `Assemblyperson of stepping stone` in the reform legislation based on the assembly activities and speech records in the field of gender, anti-corruption, education, and the human rights.

Soh Young-A sya@donga.com