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Reprimand Persons In Charge of Human Resource Verification

Reprimand Persons In Charge of Human Resource Verification

Posted May. 31, 2001 09:17,   


Based on the various opinions for the reformation of the Party and the government, which was raised at the Party`s congressional workshop yesterday, Cheong Wa Dae and the ruling New Millennium Democratic Party launched the preparation of the short and long-term measures to settle down the controversies on the rectification movement in the Party.

Representative Kim Jung-Kwon is to report the problems and the measures raised at the workshop to President Kim Dae-Jung, who concurrently holds the president of the ruling Party. Some measures to save the situation are expected to be released by the end of this week.

A high official said, ``[The Party] must accept the honest loyalty of the young caucus. First of all, for the sake of reformation, the en masse resignation of the persons, who are on the appointed positions in Cheong Wa Dae, has been positively considered.``

He also remarked that, since the appointment of former Justice Minister Ahn Dong-Soo had stimulated the sequential controversies, the reprimand of the person in charge of the human resource verification might be inevitable.

The high official added that Representative Kim fully realized his responsibility ``but the change of the Representative of NMDP and the chief secretary to the President at this situation would not be helpful to solve the current problems.``

Another high official disclosed some measures on the consideration such as the affirmation of the Party`s priority, the systemization of the Party and the government communication channel, the establishment of the human resource pool and the utilizing measures of the pool to prevent the intervention of the non-official lines.

Yesterday, NMDP held an unlimited discussion, at KyoYuk MunHwa HeoKwan, Yangje, Seoul, to talk about the reformation measures raised by the young caucus of the Party. Rep. Chung Sye-Kyun, the chairperson of the Planning and Coordination Committee, reported the process of the current situation to the discussion meeting. Rep. Shin Ki-Nam made a representative presentation of the young caucus. Rep. Shin reiterated the serious estrangement of the people from the government and the ruling party and revealed the young lawmakers` distrust of the intention for the reformation and the administrative capability of the government, Cheong Wa Dae, and the Party. He also repeatedly emphasized the urgent need for the reformation of the ruling Party`s leaders.

However, Rep. Chang Sung Won pointed out in his presentation that the public press conference to express the partisan spirit of the young caucus was not a good method to convey their opinions. He also remarked, ``Once an agreement is made at this meeting, [The Party] need to thrust the final resolution on the President. Every body need to take a deep breathe and calm down.``

Meanwhile, Rep. Lee Yoon Soo released a personal declaration. He demanded the resignation of the Representative Kim Jung-Kwon, the direct election of the Party`s Representative, the reformation of the human resource management system of the Party, the government, and Cheong Wa Dae, and the top-down hierarchical management by the powerful non-official lines.

Yun Seung-Mo ysmo@donga.com