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Increased Conflicts b/t Young Caucus and Leaders

Posted May. 28, 2001 07:33,   


The ruling New Millennium Democratic Party held yesterday an expanded executive committee to discuss about the demand of the young caucus who had requested for the reformation of the party and the government. However, Rep. Chung Dong-Young, a leader of the young caucus, walked out of the meeting in protest against the delayed response of the Party leaders.

Particularly, Supreme Council member Rep. Chung Dae-Chul declared, at a press conference in the Assembly office, his support to the young caucus` demand for the reformation of the party and the government. He remarked, ``The President and the Party should redraw a blueprint from the very beginning to recover the support of the people.`` He also demanded the resignation of all the Supreme Council members. The demand of Rep. Chung is the third protest for the reformation, following two previous declarations of the young caucus.

NMDP leaders agreed to hold a Supreme Council meeting today and the congressional workshop tomorrow, to collect the Party`s public opinion as soon as the Representative Kim Jung-Kwon returns from his visit to China. They will report the outcome of the meetings to the President on June 1.

A high official of the ruling party said, ``The President is to reveal his opinion after reviewing the suggestions of the Party.``

In terms of cleansing of the human resource, he expressed a negative position, ``[The request for the human resource cleansing] is not pointed out in particular.`` But he added, ``Good ideas will be collected through the regular channel of the Party and [current situation] can be understood through the process of exchanging ideas.`` The Supreme Council members started contacting the congressional members of the Party to collect the opinions and the young caucus also began collecting supportive members for the organizational response at the congressional workshop on May 31.

Most Supreme Council members of NMDP agreed at the meeting that they understood the intention of the young caucus but they did not agree to the method of the young lawmakers, that is, public announcement of the declaration, abandoning the regular consensus process of the Party.

However, Supreme Rep. Chung argued that the declaration does not divide the Party rather creates a hope in the Party. He also said, ``[The declaration] gave the Party a new chance to re-start.``

Meanwhile, while the liberal congresspersons, who had been overseas tours, return to strengthen the power of the young caucus. Some young lawmakers are expected to express their opposition to the demand of the young caucus. The conflicts seem to be heading for a chaos.

Moon Chul fullmoon@donga.com